Đặt câu với từ "ferment|ferments"

1. Milk ferments for chemical purposes, ferments for lactic acid

2. Milk ferments for pharmaceutical purposes

3. Milk ferments for the food industry

4. The country is in ferment.

5. The country was in ferment.

6. “A Little Leaven Ferments the Whole Batch of Dough”

7. Of course, wine ferments without the addition of leaven.

8. + 9 A little leaven ferments the whole lump.

9. Barmy definition is - full of froth or ferment

10. The wine is beginning to ferment.

11. Milk products with live milk ferments, grains and fibre

12. A little leaven ferments the whole batch (6-8)

13. ‘In my opinion, the Albuminous materials were never the ferments, but the nutrients of the ferment.’ ‘Glonoine has Albuminous urine and will sometimes be found useful in acute and haemorrhagic nephritis.’ ‘Tabular view of the morbid appearances in 100 cases connected with Albuminous …

14. ‘In my opinion, the Albuminous materials were never the ferments, but the nutrients of the ferment.’ ‘Glonoine has Albuminous urine and will sometimes be found useful in acute and haemorrhagic nephritis.’ ‘Tabular view of the morbid appearances in 100 cases connected with Albuminous …

15. “A Little Leaven Ferments the Whole Batch of Dough”: (10 min.)

16. Non-alcoholic beverages with a low milk ferment content

17. It is much faster to ferment, effectively raising capacity.

18. The pediococci did not ferment gluconic acid.

19. 9 A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough.

20. The number of years it took to ferment.

21. It was an age of intellectual ferment too.

22. “A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough,” he noted.

23. And into that ferment came the microprocessor.

24. They will not putrefy but rather ferment.

25. Education produced intellectual ferment and the temptations of radicalism.

26. Not all the banlieues are in ferment, of course.

27. It ferments fructose and several hexonic and hexuronic acids to acetate and formate.

28. Pesso means to bake, ripen, ferment or digest.

29. In the 1960s, American society was in ferment.

30. The leaven ferments all “three large measures of flour” —the entire mass.

31. It lovingly protects the clean congregation, for “a little leaven ferments the whole lump.”

32. 20 Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time.

33. The resignation of the president has left the country in ferment.

34. The whole country was in a state of ferment that year.

35. Town-planning ideas were in ferment from another direction too.

36. Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long.

37. An agent that causes rising , fermentation , or ferment; leaven.

38. The whole country was in a state of ferment.

39. It was impossible for natural yeast to ferment xylose.

40. When a solid or a liquid ferments, it's chemically broken down by bacterial fungi.

41. If we could ferment the port, we could make acetic acid.

42. Do you not know that a little leaven ferments* the whole batch of dough?

43. Philippine housewives allow coconut milk to ferment and gather mold.

44. Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time.

45. Amino acid is the primary resource to synthesize protein, ferment, chlorophyll and other protoplasm.

46. The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months.

47. Set the bucket in the position where you intend to ferment the beer.

48. Such protestations ferment a running sore which breeds contempt for the authorities.

49. But the Bible clearly says: “A little leaven ferments the whole lump.” —Galatians 5:9.

50. If we could ferment the port, we could make acetic acid

51. Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives.

52. Butyrate isn’t made unless the bacteria in the colon have something to ferment

53. Antigens include toxins, ferments, precipitinogens, agglutinogens, opsonogens, lysogens, venins, agglutinins, complements, opsonins, amboceptors, precipitins and most native proteins.

54. What aspect of the preaching work is illustrated by the fact that the leaven ferments the whole mass?

55. Paul counseled concerning an immoral man in a congregation: ‘A little leaven ferments the whole lump.

56. As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 16 Stockholm was in a ferment.

57. It had hoped to contain the ferment by partitioning the troublesome province .

58. The other pre-dough that we make is fermented -- our pre-ferment.

59. The other pre- dough that we make is fermented -- our pre- ferment.

60. The service is in ferment at the moment, the knives are out.

61. After a woman adds some leaven to a mass of flour, the leaven ferments the whole mass.

62. This mixture is put into a wooden tub to ferment, forming a thick paste.

63. Typically, the friendly gut bacteria in your intestines produce Butyrate when they ferment dietary …

64. The juice was either boiled to extract its natural sugar or allowed to ferment to become wine.

65. Since it could ferment, it was unacceptable as an offering upon the altar.

66. Old wineskins, therefore, were inappropriate for storing new wine, which continues to ferment.

67. M² Cidery was born! Gary and daughter, Chelsea press the apples and ferment the cider

68. Acids, digestive ferments or alkalies may be added to bring them to the required degree of acidity or alkalinity, etc.

69. The broken leaves are spread on tables in a humid atmosphere and start to ferment.

70. With the city in such a ferment, they could be stopped on a whim by police or soldiers.

71. The dried grapes are allowed to ferment until there is no sugar left and the wine is dry.

72. You make wine by leaving grape juice to ferment until all the sugar has turned to alcohol.

73. The 'humanism' of the Renaissance period stimulated unprecedented academic ferment, and a concern for academic freedom .

74. Kikkoman Soy Sauce takes a full 6 months to naturally ferment, just like a fine wine.

75. Bovis variant (Biotype II) by the ability of the former to hydrolyze starch and ferment mannitol (9, 21)

76. Clostridium saccharolyticum was shown to ferment glucose, cellobiose, and xylose to CO2, H2, ethanol, acetate, and lactate.

77. To begin or originate in a specific way: a political movement that was Conceived in the ferment of the 1960s.

78. Clear away the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, according as you are free from ferment.

79. It is the bribe for living, the champagne of the blood, the effervescence of the ferment.

80. The apostle Paul warned against mixing the true and the false, saying that even “a little leaven ferments the whole lump.”